Lala - 493

by - 2/12/2019

Lala - 493


Head: *TD*  Baby Mesh Head #Bento - SKY  
Body:  *TD*  -  ~ToddleeDoo - Baby
Inner Eyes: *TD* InnerEyes - HUD 
 Skin:  I'm wearing the skin that already comes with the head. 
Teeth: *TD* Bento Horror Teeth - Beast  
Hair: YumYum -*barberyumyum*S05(anime) GACHA
Bear: ~*Buglets*~ Valentine Buppy Lovie RARE (@ The Gacha Garden)
Set of clothes: [maple]  Crewneck+Tennis Skirt  (@ Color Me Cute) 

~ Decoration ~

Hearts: Raindale - hearts garland (@ LoveSick Hunt)
Xoxo: Raindale - XOXO garland (@ LoveSick Hunt)
Lantern: Raindale - lantern (@ LoveSick Hunt)
Mirgaild mirror: Raindale - Mirgaild mirror - pink (@ LoveSick Hunt)
Love: Raindale - Love sign - pink (@ LoveSick Hunt)
Pouf: Raindale - Bartlesby pouf - pink (@ LoveSick Hunt)

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