{ Daisy Chains }{Baby Bug's}**DoRks**AcessoriesBabyDeloreEventExileGifthuntThe Toddleedoo Winter FairToddleedooToddleeDooStore
Lala - 202
Head: ToddleeDooStore *TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE
Body: ToddleeDooStore - ~ToddleeDoo - Baby
Inner Eyes*TD* InnerEyes - HUD
Shape: {Baby Bugs} - Rosie Shape
Hair: Exile:: Into the Sky
Crown: Delore . Winter Star Crown - POE 2017 Hunt Gift
( Delore is participating in the 2017 Peace on Earth hunt from December 1st - December 31st. Somewhere in the store is a small globe hidden with this prize inside. The hint for hunters is "Everything not saved will be lost." )
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