Lala - 68

by - 8/04/2017

Lala - 68

Head: ToddleeDooStore  *TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE
Body:  ToddleeDooStore -  ~ToddleeDoo - Baby
Skin: Izzie's - TD Alice Skin ABBY Applier porcelain 
 Freckles & Blush: Izzie's  - TD Alice Freckles & Blush Applier
Freckles in the body: Izzie's - TD Body Freckles Applier
Eyes: Izzie's  - TD Alice Yonder Eyes Applier
Hair: #Foxy - Mai Hair AD 
Overalls: Beau Bebe - Floral Romper (@ Shop Hop

Table:  ~Little Diva~ Lilac Tea Party Table {Gacha}  (@ The Play Room) 
Chair:  ~Little Diva~Tea Party Guest Teddy Money bags {Gacha}   (@ The Play Room)
Chair:   ~Little Diva~Tea Party Guest Teddy{Gacha}   (@ The Play Room)
Chair:   ~Little Diva~Tea Party Chair{Gacha}   (@ The Play Room)
Chair:  ~Little Diva~Tea Party Guest Girl Pink Crown{Gacha}   (@ The Play Room)
Cup:  ~Little Diva~ Tea cup w/ tea bag{Gacha}   (@ The Play Room)
Teapot:  ~Little Diva~Teapot{Gacha}   (@ The Play Room)
Tower and plate of cookies: ~Little Diva~Cookie tower and plate of cookies{Gacha} (@ The Play Room)

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