{ Daisy Chains }{Dollheart}**DP**YUMYUM*MishMish*Color Me CuteEventEvent BabyFreaky & FabulousGachaKustom9Ninety NineToddleedooToddleeDooStore
Lala - 508
♥~ ♥ ~♥ Head: *TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - SKY Body: *TD* - ~ToddleeDoo - Baby Inner Eyes: *TD* InnerEyes - HUD Skin: I'm wearing the skin that already comes with the head. Teeth: *TD* Bento Horror Teeth - Beast Hair: YumYum -*barberyumyum*S05(anime) GACHA Dress: -{Dollheart}- Sweets - Pink (@ Color Me Cute) Dino: { Daisy Chains } Bebe Dino (Hold) (@ Ninety Nine) Skate: *FF* Rose Star Roller...