♥~ ♥ ~♥ Head: *TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE Body: *TD* - ~ToddleeDoo - Baby Inner Eyes: *TD* InnerEyes - HUD Skin: *TD* Summer - 01 Snow (@ The ToddleeDoo Fair) Shape: {Baby Bugs} - Claudia Shape Hair: [BURLEY]_Kendall_Sampler (wear) Set of clothes: {L.F.C} Maria Scales body - GREEN (@ Thimble) ♥~ Sponsors ~♥ ...
Lala - 340
♥~ ♥ ~♥ Head: *TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE Body: *TD* - ~ToddleeDoo - Baby Inner Eyes: *TD* InnerEyes - HUD Skin: *TD* Summer - 04 Cocoa (@ The ToddleeDoo Fair) Shape: {Baby Bugs} - Claudia Shape Hair: [BURLEY]_Kendall_Sampler (wear) Dress: { Daisy Chains } Gabriella Dress (@ Thimble) ♥~ Sponsors ~♥ ...
♥~ Decoration ~♥ Bus: *FF* Summer Camp playing Bus (@ The ToddleeDoo Fair) ♥~ Sponsors ~♥ ...
.peaches.[BURLEY][Vk!]{Baby Bug's}**DoRks****DP**YUMYUMEventSUMMERFEST '18The ToddleeDoo FairThimbleToddleedooToddleeDooStoreViv.a Kids
Lala - 338
♥~ ♥ ~♥ Head: *TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE Body: *TD* - ~ToddleeDoo - Baby Inner Eyes: *TD* InnerEyes - HUD Skin: *TD* Summer - 03 Acorn (@ The ToddleeDoo Fair) Shape: {Baby Bugs} - Claudia Shape Hair: [BURLEY]_Veronica_Sampler Set of clothes: **DoRks** Haley FATPACK (@ Thimble) ♥~ ♥ ~♥ Head: *TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE Body: *TD* - ~ToddleeDoo - Baby Inner Eyes: *TD* InnerEyes - HUD Skin: *TD* Summer - 04 Cocoa (@ The ToddleeDoo...
Lala - 337
♥~ ♥ ~♥ Head: ToddleeDooStore *TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE Body: ToddleeDooStore - ~ToddleeDoo - Baby Inner Eyes*TD* InnerEyes - HUD Skin: *TD* Summer - 03 Acorn (@ The ToddleeDoo Fair) Shape: {Baby Bugs} - Claudia Shape Hair: [BURLEY]_Kendall_Sampler (wear) Set of clothes:{SC} LifeGuard Gacha - Outfit Girls TDB GACHA (@ Play Room) Scooter: {SC} LifeGuard Gacha - Scooter - Posed - Common GACHA (@ Play Room) Towel:...
♥~ Decoration ~♥ Beach set: Bee designs A Day At The Beach Gacha (@ Cosmopolitan) ♥~ Sponsors ~♥ ...
{ Clair de Lune }{Baby Bug's}**DoRks****DP**YUMYUM~Miele~DecorationEventFreaky & FabulousNinety NineThimbleToddleedooToddleeDooStore
Lala - 335
♥~ ♥ ~♥ Head: ToddleeDooStore *TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE Body: ToddleeDooStore - ~ToddleeDoo - Baby Inner Eyes*TD* InnerEyes - HUD Skin: { Clair de Lune } Ophelia Tone 3 Shape: {Baby Bugs} - Claudia Shape Hair: **DP**YUMYUM *barberyumyum*81(anime) Bangs:**DP**YUMYUM *barberyumyum*(+bangs) (E) Set of clothes: **DoRks** Haley FATPACK (@ Thimble) ♥~ ♥ ~♥ Head: ToddleeDooStore *TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE Body: ToddleeDooStore - ~ToddleeDoo - Baby Inner...